Wednesday, August 31, 2016

And some more pictures!!

More pictures

Recent pictures

Latest Video I Made for Natasha

New template messing my typing up

I like this template with the books in the background, but it takes away my paragraphs. When it publishes, it has my writings all in one big paragraph. I don't like that. :( Sorry, ya'll!!!!

And Time Marches On...

Finally got the laptop out and sitting at the desk ready to type. It brings back memories of all my writings so long ago. The adoption journeys of Grisha and Natasha and the followers that helped me during those years. I thank you to those that are reading my ramblings as I get my thoughts out. As you know, my life has changed drastically. I was married to JC for 8 years. I began dealing with things I couldn't handle or deal with myself. Being reconciled with my first husband seemed to be the only thing that could help me. It has brought healing that I never could seem to get. I am now a step mother and a grandmother. My two step children are named Ginger and Michael. Grisha's son will be two years old in December. His name is Jovan. They are also having another boy any day now. I never got to see or hold Grisha when he was a baby so it brings so much joy to see a part of him. I will post pictures when I can figure out how to transfer them from my phone to the computer. Medical Issues: Joey had a major surgery in 2013. They couldn't believe he was alive when they went in to do the surgery. He had toxins leaking throughout his body. They had to stop the modern type surgery and open him up "old school". They removed 8 1/2 feet of his intestine and a part of his colon. This issue started with a bad case of diverticulitis. He still has issues every single day, but is alive in which we are grateful. He still works hard as an Environmental Health and Safety Coordinator and also runs the Waste Water Treatment Facility. I was sick for 8 months starting in 2014. It took awhile to find out what was wrong and a tumor was found. It was the size of a baseball. Had to have a hysterectomy this year where they had to remove my uterus, cervix, and fallopian tubes. It took 11 weeks of recovery before I fully felt better. Samuel graduated high school at 16. He is now in his second year at the community college. He starts university next year for 4 more years in civil engineering. He turned 18 in June. As you know, Grisha has his little family now. He lives about an hour away. He is now 20 years old. Natasha will be 19 in November and still trying to figure out what to do with her life. She speaks of being a translator which would be a great fit. Gabriel and Jacob are doing great. They are just happy boys. I hope they always stay this sweet, loving, and caring. Gabriel is 11 and Jacob just turned 7. Being a stepmother has been challenging. It took a long time to build that trust and for them to bond with me. They now call me Mama which I never told them to do. It was a decision they made on their own. I can't imagine my life without them now. Have a great day, everyone! I am excited to be connecting with you again!